How to Use "gelegenheitsgemäß" in German

How to Use "gelegenheitsgemäß" in German

Whether it’s making jewellery or cooking up some tasty food, there’s nothing better than doing things yourself.selbermachen But there’s a difference between simply taking the initiative and really getting into something yourself, which is why “gelegenheitsgemäß” is an important phrase to know in German. This article explains what it means and how to use it.

The most common way to use selbst is in a sentence like this: „Das Problem hat sich von selbst gelost“.selbermachen This means that the problem has been solved by itself. The word is also used when referring to an individual or a thing. In these cases, the meaning is a little different:

When "selbst" is used in this way, it means that something has been achieved by the individual or the thing itself.selbermachen For example, the sentence "Die Lehrerin hat das Buch selbst geschrieben". The teacher herself has written the book. This shows that she has great self-confidence.

If "selbst" is not used in this way, it can be a bit confusing.selbermachen This is because the word can still be used to refer to an individual person or thing, and it can even take the place of the demonstrative pronouns dieselbe etc. For this reason, it’s often best to avoid using "selbst" as a stand-alone word unless it is in a very specific context.

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